

日米食文化のちがい その2

デフォルトの Hatena Blog デザインもシンプルで気に入っていたのですが、おじさんの目には少し文字が小さすぎるような気がしてきましたので、他のデザインに変更してみました。

テーマストアより、「Fresh Green by tsunagime」を使わせていただこうと思っています。







第二弾の今回は、2015年の秋にESL(English as Second Language)のクラスで書いた日米の食文化に関する比較対照エッセイを取り上げています。





In the United States, although having a wide variety of meals is one of the unique characteristics, it can still be said that typically meal settings have a certain flow. Even at a casual dining where an average family goes, appetizers, the main dish and desserts are often served separately. When eating three dishes following the order--for example, a salad first, New York steak with mashed potatoes second, and a piece of apple pie with a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream on side at the end--you would not have two plates in front of you together at the same time. Each stage should be distinctively deployed. And, all family members at the table usually proceed to the next stage together at the very same time. However, in Japan, the main axis of meal settings is not time, but place. There is a certain manner of mapping plates. Very basic idea is that having a bowl of rice on the left front, a bowl of miso soup on the right front, the main dish in the middle and side dishes in the back. Depending on the size of plates, miso soup can go back and side dishes fill other available spaces, but a bowl of rice usually keeps in the pole position and the main dish remains at the center of the stage to create certain beauty on the table. Parents usually teach their children to eat in a balanced manner. In that manner, unlike the tradition in the United States, people do not eat dishes separately, that means not in the order of soup first, salad second, the main dish third and so on, but in a more mixed manner.



  1. 導入
  2. 日米の相違(1)
  3. 日米の相違(2)
  4. 日米の相違(3)
  5. 日米の相似
  6. 締め

という構造になっていますが、今回は「2. 日米の相違(1)」の部分になります。





In the United States, although having a wide variety of meals is one of the unique characteristics, it can still be said that typically meal settings have a certain flow. Even at a casual dining where an average family goes, appetizers, the main dish and desserts are often served separately. When eating three dishes following the order--for example, a salad first, New York steak with mashed potatoes second, and a piece of apple pie with a scoop or two of vanilla ice cream on side at the end--you would not have two plates in front of you together at the same time. Each stage should be distinctively deployed. And, all family members at the table usually proceed to the next stage together at the very same time.  

読者に アメリカ人(の大学教授)を想定しているエッセイであるため、まずアメリカのカスタムから解説しています。


  • 最低でも「前菜→メイン→デザート」という順番がある
  • 原則、ふたつの異なるプレートを並べることはしない
  • 参加者全員が同時に、次の料理に移る





However, in Japan, the main axis of meal settings is not time, but place. There is a certain manner of mapping plates. Very basic idea is that having a bowl of rice on the left front, a bowl of miso soup on the right front, the main dish in the middle and side dishes in the back. Depending on the size of plates, miso soup can go back and side dishes fill other available spaces, but a bowl of rice usually keeps in the pole position and the main dish remains at the center of the stage to create certain beauty on the table. Parents usually teach their children to eat in a balanced manner. In that manner, unlike the tradition in the United States, people do not eat dishes separately, that means not in the order of soup first, salad second, the main dish third and so on, but in a more mixed manner. 


  • 主食、汁物、主菜、副菜が同時に提供される
  • 主食(左)、汁物(右)、主菜(中央)、副菜(後列)と配置する







三角食べ - Wikipedia






   *  *  *


おもしろいですね。西洋の時間演出 vs. 東洋の空間演出。




次回は、「3. 日米の相違(2)」です。



料理と帝国――食文化の世界史 紀元前2万年から現代まで

料理と帝国――食文化の世界史 紀元前2万年から現代まで







変わってきたアメリカ食文化30年 キッチンからレストランまで

変わってきたアメリカ食文化30年 キッチンからレストランまで