

日米食文化のちがい その4







第二弾の今回は、2015年の秋にESL(English as Second Language)のクラスで書いた日米の食文化に関する比較対照エッセイを取り上げています。





According to the Chapter 11 of American Ways written by Maryanne Kearny Datesman, et. al., “Some American families tend to place more emphasis on the needs and desires of the child than on the child’s social and family responsibilities.” With this tendency which was formed after World War II, likes and dislikes about food are socially accepted in the United States much more than any other countries as such needs and desires belonging in the category of individual freedom. American people seemed to believe that they have all rights to substitute ingredients of meals based on their faddiness, or at least popular chain restaurants accept such requests without a murmur. This cultural value has been able to continue to be real only with the support of the country’s material wealth. In Japan, likes and dislikes are not so accepted. Wasting of food is one of the biggest sin, which is probably stemmed from the material poorness of the land. People are proud to have the word “mottai-nai” which expresses the guilt of waste, and willing to teach the value to their children. Moreover, finishing the served meal is seemed to be people’s basic responsibilities against the cook and the foodstuffs, while serving a tasty food is the responsibility of the cook against the eater and the foodstuffs. As such, although removing an ingredient in the recipe is somewhat allowed nowadays, not many people are willing to ask to substitute those with another ingredient as it believed to be asking too much.



  1. 導入
  2. 日米の相違(1)
  3. 日米の相違(2)
  4. 日米の相違(3)
  5. 日米の相似
  6. 締め

という構造になっているのでした。今日は「4. 日米の相違(3)」を見ていきます。





According to the Chapter 11 of American Ways written by Maryanne Kearny Datesman, et. al., “Some American families tend to place more emphasis on the needs and desires of the child than on the child’s social and family responsibilities.” 

まずは、昨日紹介した教科書『American Ways』からの引用です。

AMERICAN WAYS (4E) Student Book

教科書的に正しいトーンで、「最近のアメリカン・ペアレンツってのは、まったくなっとらん。子供を甘やかしすぎじゃ。ボケカスが。まともな躾けもせんと、子供の欲しがるもんばかりを与えまくっとる。そんなんじゃあかんやろーー。クソがっ!!!ムカーーーッ!!!」(p.260)と嘆いておられます。 社会や家庭における責任というものを子供に教えることができていないとおっしゃっています。


With this tendency which was formed after World War II, likes and dislikes about food are socially accepted in the United States for a degree much more than any other countries as such needs and desires belonging in the category of individual freedom. 



American people seemed to believe that they have all rights to substitute ingredients of meals based on their faddiness, or at least popular chain restaurants accept such requests without a murmur. 





This cultural value has been able to continue to be real only with the support of the country’s material wealth.





In Japan, likes and dislikes are not so accepted. Wasting of food is one of the biggest sins, which is probably stemmed from the material poverty of the land. People are proud to have the word “mottai-nai” which expresses the guilt of waste, and willing to teach the value to their children. 

日本では原則的に、「食べ物の好き嫌いを言うのは悪いこと」と考えられていますよね。 食べ残しはとってもイケナイことです。





Moreover, finishing the served meal is seemed to be people’s basic responsibilities toward the cook and the foodstuffs, while serving a tasty food is the responsibility of the cook against the eater and the foodstuffs.



As such, although removing an ingredient in the recipe is somewhat allowed nowadays, not many people are willing to ask to substitute those with another ingredient as it is believed to be asking too much.



   *  *  *
これでようやく、アメリカ初勝利です。通算ですと、日本の二勝一敗。 つまり、日本のほうが自分勝手度合いが高いという結果になりました。
次回は、「5. 日米の相似」です。食文化において、両国の似ているところを探ります。



AMERICAN WAYS (4E) Student Book

AMERICAN WAYS (4E) Student Book

  • 作者: Maryanne Datesman,JoAnn Crandall,Edward N. Kearny
  • 出版社/メーカー: Pearson Japan
  • 発売日: 2014/01/20
  • メディア: ペーパーバック
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